Placing bids on our system is very easy. Similar to how you access the budget for your categories, you'll need to place them in your account. A more comprehensive description of our bidding policies can be found on the same page that you bid. To summarize the most important points of our policies please understand and take into account the following checklist:

<aside> 💡 Reminder: The bids you place in our system will be valid for a full week, and will be effective if placed before Monday at 1:00 PM Eastern Time. You can send them any time during the week, but make sure they arrive on time. If placed after this, it will be effective the following week. Bids will continuously roll over to the next week unless changed.


The starting bids will be $10 USD per click in all categories except for "Free Software" categories that have a starting bid of $5 USD per click.

Remember all this important information and you'll be good to go. HAPPY BIDDING!!!
